Aluminium Windows
Making the right choice of windows and doors for your home shouldn't be stressful. The benefits of choosing strong, safe aluminium means that your windows and doors will provide the best value in terms of durability, maintenance and security. With so many choices of window format, interior and exterior colours and glass type, our aluminium windows provide the right combination to suit the appearance of your home making it more beautiful, safer and will increase it's value.
Because aluminium is so strong, our aluminium windows and doors can have slim frames (much slimmer than timber or plastic) no matter how big or small your windows are. Thick timber or UPVC frames can block out more light, particularly in bay windows, so our aluminium frames are a great alternative.
Whatever the style of your home, our wide choice of window and door configurations, sizes and colours as well as a choice of matching and contrasting hardware, offers you a fantastic choice of windows and doors. You can be rest assured that it will last and stay looking good whilst remaining safe and secure.
Aluminium is lower maintenance than UPVC or wood. It will not warp or twist or swell up and will not rot or rust. Unlike plastic doors and windows, they do not attract dirt and will not discolour. Maintenance generally means giving the frames a simple wipeover with a damp cloth.
Our aluminium windows and doors are manufactured at our sister company, Tradesupply Windows in Ipswich.
Security is important, so whether you are at home or out somewhere, you want to be reassured that your home is safe. Our aluminium windows and doors offer security features that give you that reassurance. Not only do they deter opportunist thieves but their inherent strength and new generation locks create secure barriers against more determined burglars.
Aluminium is so strong and rigid it is highly resistant to warping and bending, which means that security is built in. And, because aluminium does not expand like plastic or wood, there will be no gaps that can be used to prise a window or door open.
Aluminium is the most abundant metal on the Earth. It can be 100% recycled indefinitely making it one of the most sustainable building materials available. Importantly aluminium windows have a long working life, an important element in determining how environmentally friendly a material is.
The stability and rigidity in aluminium frames means that they provide exceptional water-tightness and wind resistance so that heat losses are reduced, resulting in reduced fuel costs. Our frames incorporate a special layer, called a thermal break, which also prevents heat loss.
Composite doors are designed to keep you safe while offering a unique look in a wide range of colours. These doors are durable and stylish.
The lean-to conservatory has a simple design, which allows it to be easily added to your home to give you the space your family needs.
Homestyle have a range of designs, materials and glazing options for perfect made-to-measure replacement windows to suit your home’s age and style.
Registered office: 10 Ladbrook Close, Elmsett, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP7 6LD Company number: 03873817
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